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21 Nov 2014

WhatsApp begins end-to-end encryption of messages on Its Android App.

In what is believed to be good news for users of WhatsApp on the Android platform, WhatsApp has added an end-to-end encryption for your messages to protect users of the popular instant messaging platform. The functionality will come with the next update of the app and the encryption is turned on by default.

Mobiles and Gadgets

This encryption system being applied to WhatsApp was developed for them by Open Whisper Systems and is called “TextSecure”.

Unlike other encryption systems, which often scramble messages only as they travel from a device to the company’s servers before being re-routed to the recipients, TextSecure encrypts the message from end-to-end (from handset to handset) throughout a message's journey meaning even the tech firms don’t even have access to your messages anymore.

This encryption has been described by tech experts as the most secure giving WhatsApp the bragging rights as the most secure messaging platform.

Law enforcement agencies are not happy with some tech firms because of the encryption being applied to messages as they say it makes it difficult for them to fraudsters and criminals

For now, the encryption is only available on Android, but is expected to be available at some stage for the iOS app and only messages are being encrypted initially with videos and group messaging encryption expected to follow soon.


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